Frequent Ask Questions
How can I locate your spa, is there any reference point?
How soon should I request an appointment? What is the process?
What are these services inspired by the elements, therapies and ancient Japanese philosophies? What are they for?
How do you publish your deals/discounts?
How long has Amatsu Spa worked as a Spa in Medellin?
What is the process to be in the associated brands list?
Do you have wheelchair access?
What is your most demanded service?
I suffer from cellulite on my legs, what service could you recommend?
My face is very oily, what procedure do you recommend to control this oilness?
My face is very dry, which process do you recommend to hydrate it?
Is it possible to extend the schedules of your services / plans?
Is there a plan for people who suffer from low back pain?
I suffer from acne, what treatment do you suggest and how often could i take it?
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